What is joy, and how can we bring more of it into our lives?
I found a fascinating TED talk – Where joy hides and how to find it, by Ingrid Fetell Lee
Ingrid describes colour as being a sign of life and energy, and that “joy begins with the senses”
She talks about research carried out using colours in our enviromnents and the positive impacts
In schools – kids felt safer, attendance improved, graffiti disappeared
In offices – people felt more alert, confident, and friendlier
She also talks about how some things are universally joyful – how do you feel when you look at these images?

And that some things bring joy, a sense of abundance, and a feeling of lightness and elevation
Round objects
Pops of bright colour
Symmetrical shapes
Organic shapes and curves
Keep watching the TED talk to see the full story
It’s fascinating how colour and shapes in our home and environments can bring joy to our lives.
How can you use colour and shapes in your home or office to bring more joy into your life today?