You may have heard the term chakra, but what does it mean, why is it important, and how can colours heal?
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” and chakras are like energy centres within the body. We have 7 main chakras in our body that spin producing energy. Each chakra has a colour and is related to specific parts of the body and our physical and emotional state. Chakra’s are similar to Qi in Chinese medicine and the energy meridans running through our body. If any of our chakras are imbalanced, we suffer physical and/or emotional issues. Our bodies are vibrational as are all things in the world including colour. When your chakras are balanced your body is well you feel balanced in body, mind and spirit.
These are the 7 main chakras
Base – red – ‘root’ or ‘support’, relates to our basic need for survival, link with the earth, associated with legs and feet
Sacral – orange – represents our creative energy and associated with our reproductive organs
Solar plexus – yellow – related to being an individual and loving ourselves
Heart – green – related to forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love, self acceptance
Throat – blue – associated with self expression, speaking our truth
Third eye – indigo – relates to our ability to see and understand all things
Crown – violet, white or gold – relates to self-knowledge, spirituality
How to tell if your chakras are imbalanced?
If you’re drawn to a certain colour or have a favourite colour usually indicates the chakra associated with that colour is imbalanced and your body is urging you to use more of that colour. You might search your wardrobe and choose a yellow top, feel like pink watermelon juic or feel good gazing at the blue ocean. We absorb colours through what we eat, what we wear and what we see.
How to keep your chakras balanced?
If you slow down through relaxation and meditation and listen to your body it will let you know what colours you need to be balanced. Listen to your body and take on the colours it craves. Use those colours in your home by using cushions, prints on the walls, flowers in a beautiful vase. As we all know eating a balanced diet with rainbow colours is good for us, and these relate to the chakra colours and will help keep you balanced and well.
Chakras can also hold old, stuck energy that may need clearing before you take in the energy of the colour you need. An Energy/colour therapist can help clear any blocked energy and balance your energy. Appropriate affirmations relating to the chakras can help as can the correct oils as prescribed by an aromatherapist.
Take some time to slow down and listen to your body. What colour do you lean to today? Try incorporating that colour into your life and see how you feel.